Recombinant activated factor VII (RFVIIa) acutely normalizes prothrombin time in patients with cirrhosis during bleeding from oesophageal varices.
This is a new open-label study, which showed efficacy of rFVIIa in normalising prothrombin time and effective control of bleeding esophageal varices in cirrhotic patients, in addition to safety in […]
Are leukocytes in salvaged washed autologous blood harmful for the recipient? The results of a pilot study.
A well-conducted study on the quality of salvaged autologous blood. It shows that no leukocyte depletion is necessary for that blood. – E. Hansen.
Recombinant activated factor VII (RFVIIa): Characterization, manufacturing, and clinical development.
A good overall review on the characterization, mechanism of action, and preclinical and current clinical evidence for the efficacy and safety of rFVIIa. – M. Aldouri.
Development of an animal model for assessment of the hemostatic efficacy of fibrin sealant in vascular surgery.
Having a sound and reproducible animal model to test the value of an existing therapy beyond its initial application is certainly a step forward. Kheirabadi and associates have taken this […]
Radiofrequency ablation of liver tumours.
Dr. Kormann and colleagues have reviewed the literature on the use of radiofrequency ablation in treating liver cancer. Most reports agree on both the simplicity and utility of this procedure […]