Using the Denver multiple organ failure (MOF) database, the authors evaluated MOF in critically injured patients (2 days after injury) associated with the administration of blood products (especially FFP). Patients with head injury or spinal cord injuries were excluded from the analysis. The developement of MOF was significantly associated with older age, higher ISS and transfusion of blood products. MOF patients were also more likely to have prolongend coagulation tests (PT, aPTT) at admission. Regardless of the RBCs transfused, FFP was independently associated with MOF development. This phenomenon was even more pronounced in patient with a transfusion rate of less than 6 RBCs. This paper also shows the deleterious effect of FFP after massive transfusion. As the type of the product used is not reported in the study, the readers are unable to draw any conclusions concerning solvent detergent plasma, frequently used in Europe.

– Hans Gombotz

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