How to cook a patient blood management programme!

In this ‘position paper’, a group of well-known PBM experts offers us a how-to guide for those looking to implement PBM programmes. Over 6 years ago, the WHO urged its member states to implement PBM (decision WHA63.12), but it is easier said than done! “Cooking a good cake requires a good recipe!”

The paper describes 6 blocks of bundles: 2 regarding the management and assessment of PBM projects and 4 focusing on more specific clinical themes (i.e. anaemia management, coagulopathy, blood conservation and transfusion decisions). All together these 6 blocks describe 107 items.

Of course, this is not a ‘ready to use’ cooking recipe, but it will prove very useful, once you have considered the ‘local ingredients’ and ‘kitchen’ available to you, to cook your own PBM programme. Bon appétit (enjoy your meal)!

– Sigismond Lasocki

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