Diversity of PBM Reflected in Scientific Programme

There will be something for everyone in this year’s Scientific Programme, according to Sigismond Lasocki (University Hospital Angers, France), the Chair of the Scientific Committee.

“We tried to have not only a diversity of topics but also a diversity of speakers – both in terms of their home countries and in terms of their medical specialities,” says Lasocki.

Return to In-Person Event as NATA Celebrates its 25 th Anniversary!

Opening the Symposium and welcoming you to Athens will be NATA Chair Jens Meier (Kepler University Hospital, Linz, Austria). Meier will take a look at the evolution of PBM and how it has changed since NATA formed as an independent medical association in 1998. He will also highlight some of the changes that have occurred within NATA in the past couple of years.

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