Presenter: Florian RUMPF, Würzburg, Germany
Presenter: Kenneth MACPHERSON, Perth, Australia
Presenter: Silvia DO AMARAL, Averiro, Portugal
Congratulations to all young researchers selected to present their work in the Best Abstract Competition.
Massive cost reduction in cardiothoracic services with preoperative anemia management
Presenter: Henrique Coelho
Central/mixed venous oxygen saturation and lactate levels might be of limited use as physiologic transfusion triggers in cardiac surgery: Results of a retrospective analysis.
Presenter: Matthias Noitz
Effect of preoperative anemia and transfusion on long-term cancer outcomes in pediatric sarcoma resection patients.
Presenter: Mary-Claire Simmons
Non-invasive measure of hemoglobin using the Rad-67™ pulse co-oxymeter in post-operative care unit to predict postoperative day 1 hemoglobin after major orthopedic surgery, a prospective cohort study.
Presenter: Marine Laplanche
NATA: Network for the advancement of Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis
MISSION: Providing a multidisciplinary forum for dialogue between haematologists, transfusion medicine specialists, anaesthesiologists, intensive care and emergency physicians, surgeons, perfusionists, nurses, biomedical scientists and ther heathcare professionals.
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