Castro Paupério Diana
Castro Paupério Diana
Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia
"PBM in the digital age: optimising outcomes through innovative approaches"
2024: Award-winning PBM Clinic.
Co-founder of the Iberic PBM TaskForce.
President of the Portuguese Board for PBM at SIAPBM.
2023: PhDc in Biomedicine.
Awarded research grants from the Egaz Moniz Clinical Academic Center for the PBM-TIPS project. Coordinator of the book “Efficient Patient Blood Management in Portugal”.
2021: Coordinator of PBM-TIPS Consultant Assistant in Anesthesiology.
2020: Coordinator of the PBM during the ULSGE pandemic response.
2019–Present: Chair of the PBM Committee at ULSGE.
2011–Present: Medical Coordinator of Anesthesia Follow-Up Clinic. Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologist.
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