Born in Jijona, Spain, studied Medicine at the Miguel Hernández University in Alicante and at the Ludwig Maximilians Universität in Munich, Germany. Trained as Anaesthesiologist at Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona (, works since 2002 at the Trauma Center at Vall d’Hebron Hospital. Teaching activity as a Tutor of Residents of Anaesthesiology and participates as Vocal Member in the Hospital Committees of General Protocols Quality and Transfusion Committee, along with the Blood Bank, leading the development and implementation of the Transfusion Protocol in Severe Haemorrhage and the use of viscoelastic tests at Vall d'Hebron Hospital. Dr. Mora has been instructor in Advanced Trauma Life Support courses (SVAT) since 2009 to date and works within the Spine Surgery Research Group at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute ( Faculty member of the International Training Seminars and Master about Patient Blood Management organized by Danube University of Krems (Austria) since May 2015. Clinical Associate Professor of Anaesthesiology at Universitat Autònoma Barcelona since November 2016. Biggest field of expertise are the Anaesthetic Management in Major Orthopaedic Surgery, especially in Spine Surgery, Resuscitation of Severe Trauma patients and treatment of Severe Bleeding and Acute Coagulation Disorders. Co-author of the Guidelines of Management of severe peri-operative bleeding from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) Second update 2022 and Co-author of the European Guidelines for the European Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma ABC-T (Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma) sixth edition. Participates also in the Task Force of the new European Guidelines on Thromboprophylaxis (ESAIC).