Vlaar Alexander
Vlaar Alexander
Amsterdam UMC
"Platelet transfusion where are we? "
"Massive transfusion: where is the ratio(nal)"
Prof. dr. Alexander Vlaar. PhD, MD, MBA is professor Intensive Care Medicine (H-index: 39, 7480 citation, > 290 articles) and principal investigator in intensive care medicine. Focus of Vlaar's research is transfusion-related morbidity and mortality.

His research lines consist, among others, of pre-clinical and clinical investigation in the field of antibody and non-antibody mediated transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) and transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO). He is the chair of the international TRALI re-definition working group and chair of the ESICM Transfusion Task Force.

He is the principal investigator of several landmark papers published in NEJM and JAMA.
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