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Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Dictum ipsum per platea taciti libero sapien ullamcorper et purus. Lectus inceptos ligula…

Time is Right for Restrictive Transfusion Strategy in ECMO

Despite studies supporting a restrictive red cell transfusion strategy in many medical situations, a more liberal strategy is still widely…

F11a and FX12a Inhibitors – the Next Wave of Novel Anticoagulants?​

Anticoagulation treatment has been revolutionised in the past few decades with the development of drugs that increasingly target individual components…

Meta-Analysis Backs up TXA Safety in Patients at Risk of Thrombosis

Tranexamic acid (TXA) is safe to use to prevent bleeding in patients at the time of surgery, even in those…

Measuring the Success of PBM in Practice – Lessons from Spain

According to the World Health Organisation, widespread implementation of patient blood management (PBM) programmes remains an urgent need.1 It is…
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