Lack of persistent microchimerism in contemporary transfused trauma patients.
Jackman and colleagues evaluated transfusion-associated microchimerism (TA-MC) in a prospective cohort study of trauma patients. Index samples were collected upon admission, prior to transfusion and at periodical intervals up to […]
Association of perioperative red blood cell transfusions with venous thromboembolism in a North American registry.
An association between red blood cell (RBC) transfusion and increased incidence of perioperative complications has been highlighted in a large number of prospective and restrospective studies. In the study published […]
Contemporary risk factors and outcomes of transfusion-associated circulatory overload.
Recently, a joint working group of members of the International Haemovigilance Network, the International Society of Blood Transfusion and AABB concluded that it is too early to develop a consensus […]
2017 EACTS/EACTA Guidelines on patient blood management for adult cardiac surgery.
There is growing evidence that patient blood management (PBM) is becoming “standard of care” in major surgery associated with high blood loss, particularly in cardiac surgery. These guidelines are the […]
Efficiency and safety of varying the frequency of whole blood donation (INTERVAL): a randomised trial of 45 000 donors.
A sufficient blood supply enables life-saving transfusions for many clinical situations, mostly in trauma and oncologic patients. Blood donor eligibility criteria differ in European countries and the US. As blood […]
Exposure of stored packed erythrocytes to nitric oxide prevents transfusion-associated pulmonary hypertension.
This study investigated the potential role of of nitric oxide (NO) treatment of stored red blood cells (RBCs) before transfusion in a stable haemodynamic and non-inflammatory animal model. The authors […]
Effect of short-term vs. long-term blood storage on mortality after transfusion.
The impact of storage time of packed red blood cells (RBCs) on patient outcome has been a topic of heated controversy. During the last two decades, 13 randomised controlled trials involving […]
Clinical practice guidelines from the AABB: red blood cell transfusion thresholds and storage.
The AABB has updated its guidelines on red blood cell (RBC) transfusion and storage issues. In summary, the authors recommend a restrictive RBC transfusion strategy in all haemodynamically stable hospitalised […]
Association of blood donor age and sex with recipient survival after red blood cell transfusion.
This study investigated the impact of blood donor age and gender on RBC transfusion outcome. In solid organ transplantation, donor characteristics are associated with recipients’ outcome. In unrelated allogeneic stem […]
Changes in blood center red blood cell distributions in the era of patient blood management: the trends for collection (TFC) study.
This study is about the modification of red blood cell (RBC) distribution of blood centres after the introduction of patient blood management (PBM). The reduction of blood transfused in recent […]
Declining blood collection and utilization in the United States.
The authors report an analysis of the 2013 Blood Collection and Utilization Survey results by the US Department of Health and Human Services. They found significant changes in demand for […]
Apheresis platelets are more frequently associated with adverse reactions than pooled platelets both in recipients and in donors: a study from French hemovigilance data.
Platelets (PLT) for transfusion can be obtained by apheresis or by whole-blood donation. Pooling of buffy coats from 4–6 donations is used to prepare whole-blood-derived PLT concentrates in most European […]
Hepatitis E virus: seroprevalence and frequency of viral RNA detection among US blood donors.
The clinical significance of hepatitis E virus (HEV) in blood transfusion is a matter of debate. Transfusion transmissions of HEV have been documented worldwide. HEV is a common cause of […]
A benchmarking program to reduce red blood cell outdating: implementation, evaluation, and a conceptual framework.
Outdating of blood components is a matter of concern in transfusion medicine. In the present study, a benchmarking programme to reduce outdating of red blood cells was implemented in Canadian […]
The safety of the blood supply ― time to raise the bar.
The authors describe the aspects of the safety of blood components focusing on pathogen reduction technologies (PRT). Due to the availability of approved PRT for only plasma and platelet products, […]