HemoSonics is revolutionizing point-of-care bleeding management by bringing you the Quantra® Hemostasis Analyzer – a novel, closed-cartridge viscoelastic (VET) assay based on an innovative ultrasound technology. When time to treatment is critical, the Quantra System offers rapid, precise, and easy to interpret coagulation results that enable clinicians to make quick and informed bleeding management decisions in point-of-care (POC) settings such as the operating theatre or ICU.  

The Quantra System is both CE marked and FDA cleared for point-of-care use in perioperative patients 18 years or older. QPlus® cartridge is indicated for cardiovascular or major orthopedic surgery. QStat® cartridge is indicated for trauma or liver surgery (currently available outside of the US only). Because of its simple, intuitive, and safe POC workflow from sample collection to cartridge disposal, the Quantra is the first VET assay specifically indicated by FDA for point-of-care use.

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