The application is restricted to medical doctors, nurses, medical technicians, as well as lawyers and bioethicists.
Candidates must be nominated by two members of the association and their application must be approved by the board of directors of the association. The board of directors may appoint an admissions committee to which the list of candidates shall be submitted, and which shall give its comments and suggestions.
The acceptance of applications will take into account the fact that the association must remain a high-level scientific association. It is therefore appropriate that all its members can potentially contribute to the activities mentioned in the by-laws.
The status of adherent member is conditional on the payment of the annual subscription fixed by the internal regulations.
These members include all private individuals who are interested in following NATA activities but do not have the necessary qualifications to become regular members.
Applications are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
Correspondent members may not vote at annual meetings and may not be appointed to positions on the Board of Directors;
NATA: Network for the advancement of Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis
MISSION: Providing a multidisciplinary forum for dialogue between haematologists, transfusion medicine specialists, anaesthesiologists, intensive care and emergency physicians, surgeons, perfusionists, nurses, biomedical scientists and ther heathcare professionals.
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