NATA | Network for the Advancement of Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis

What is NATA

NATA, the Network for the Advancement of Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis (formerly the Network for the Advancement of Transfusion Alternatives), is an independent medical association that was created in 1998.

NATA is unique in that it provides a multidisciplinary forum for dialogue between haematologists, transfusion medicine specialists, anaesthesiologists, intensive care and emergency physicians, surgeons, perfusionists, nurses, biomedical scientists and other healthcare professionals interested in promoting best clinical practice in the management of anaemia and iron deficiency, critical bleeding and thrombosis.

NATA’s Educational Activities

Annual Symposium

The Annual NATA Symposium attracts a wide international and multidisciplinary audience of on average 600 delegates from more than 40 countries. The scientific programme covers a wide range of topics related to anaemia, patient blood management (PBM), critical bleeding and thrombosis. 

NATA partners with other organisations, institutions, and renowned experts to offer knowledge and expertise in the latest science and practice.

Virtual activities

NATA organises monthly webinars, virtual Meet-the-Expert sessions, or expert panel discussions. Participation is open to all and is available on demand

Resource library

The NATA virtual library is a resource hub of open-source material related to NATA main topics of interest including E-learning modules developed by NATA, consensus papers, guidelines recommended by NATA.

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