Perioperative hemodilution.
This is an interesting review article on the use of acute normovolemic hemodilution as part of a blood conservation strategy in patients undergoing elective surgery. – P. Van der Linden
Economic evaluation of a randomized clinical trial of haemodilution with cell salvage in aortic surgery.
This article brings important information about the cost-effectiveness of acute normovolemic hemodilution and intraoperative cell salvage when used in major vascular surgery. – P. Van der Linden
Perioperative anemia: An independent risk factor for infection, mortality, and resource utilization in surgery.
The article confirms the data of Carson et al, Lancet 1988, that perioperative anemia is a significant risk factor. However, the belief that transfusion may constitute an independent risk factor […]
Blood loss in elective coronary artery surgery: A comparison of centrifugal versus roller pump heads during cardiopulmonary bypass.
In an age of widespread use of anticogulants and patelet inhibitors for cardiac surgery, it is important to know the impact on bleeding and coagulation for every componants of the […]