Emily Cooley Lecture 2002: Transfusion safety in the hospital.
Excellent article stressing the fact that transfusion safety today primarily has to improve safety regarding administration of blood in the clinics. Still focusing on safety of blood components may even […]
An audit on the blood transfusion requirements for revision hip arthroplasty.
This paper notes the blood transfusion requirements for revision hip arthroplasty at one Orthopedic center. Overall the number of units transfused seems high and the exact reason for transfusion is […]
Survey of the use of whole blood in current blood transfusion practice.
This survey reflects the current situation in England and North Wales, where the prevailing opinion is that only the use of blood components is state of the art. There is […]
Appropriateness of red blood cell transfusions in major urban hospitals and effectiveness of an intervention.
The article describes a too liberal indication for RBC transfusions if recent knowledge on the critical threshold of hemoglobin (Hbert et al.) is applied. However, one should not forget that […]