Recombinant human hemoglobin with reduced nitric oxide-scavenging capacity restores effectively pancreatic microcirculatory disorders in hemorrhagic shock.
A recombinant hemoglobin based oxygen carrier with reduced nitric oxide-scavenging properties through site directed mutagenesis of the heme pocket has been developed. This second-generation product has been shown to be […]
Diaspirin-crosslinked hemoglobin reduces blood transfusion in noncardiac surgery: a multicenter, randomized, controlled, double-blinded trial.
The authors investigated, in a multicenter, double-blind, randomized trial, whether diaspirin-crosslinked hemoglobin (DCLHb) could reduce the use of allogeneic blood transfusions. This is a very interesting study for several reasons. […]
Hb-based oxygen carriers: are we there yet?
This article reviews the current status of the hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOC) presently under development. It also introduces the idea that all the HBOCs are not expected to be clinically […]
Autologous blood sequestration using a double venous reservoir bypass circuit and polymerized hemoglobin prime.
This experimental study describes a modified cardiopulmonary bypass circuit using a bovine hemoglobin solution priming that protects a portion of the autologous blood volume from the damaging effects of bypass. […]
Hypotensive resuscitation using a polymerized bovine hemoglobin-based oxygen-carrying solution (HBOC-201) leads to reversal of anaerobic metabolism.
Interesting article evaluating the place of a hemoglobin-based oxygen-carrying solution in the resuscitation of severe hemorrhagic shock. – P. Van der Linden.