Transfusion and outcome in heart surgery. [Editorial]
The Editorial by Bruce Spiess enthusiastically supports the work of Engoren et al. on the effects of blood transfusions on long-term survival after coronary artery bypass surgery while recognizing that […]
Effect of blood transfusion on long-term survival after cardiac operation.
The authors studied a database of 1,915 patients who underwent isolated first time myocardial revascularization between 1994 and 1997 and found that blood transfusions during or after coronary artery bypass […]
Retrograde autologous priming of the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit reduces blood transfusion after coronary artery surgery.
This article confirms previous studies showing that a reduction of the bypass circuit priming volume can be associated with a reduction in allogeneic blood use. This beneficial effect is related […]
Comparison of the effects of a 50% exchange-transfusion with albumin, hetastarch, and modified hemoglobin solutions.
This preliminary (considering phase III studies have been completed or are underway) study in rats adds little to what has already been published on this issue in more elaborate animal […]
A randomized trial of iron deficiency testing strategies in hemodialysis patients.
It is well known that Ferritin and Transf.sat are parameters that are influenced by various factors such as inflammation, iron overload, varying serum iron levels, etc. Therefore, better parameters are […]