Managing uncontrolled hemorrhage in trauma and surgery: a novel and promising approach.
This is an introduction for a supplement to the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia reporting proceedings of a satellite symposium presented at the 2002 Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society Annual Meeting. It highlights […]
Recombinant activated factor VII: its mechanism of action and role in the control of hemorrhage.
This is an overview on the mechanism of action of rFVIIa and its role in hemostasis. rFVIIa directly activates FX, increases thrombin activation on activated platelets, and leads to generation […]
Efficacy of recombinant factor VIIa administered by continuous infusion to haemophilia patients with inhibitors.
This is an interesting study looking at the efficacy of administering rFVIIa in controlling bleeding in 43 episodes in 14 hemophilia patients with inhibitors. RFVIIa infusion was not effective in […]
Continuous infusion of coagulation factor products.
This is an interesting review on the use of continuous infusion of coagulation factor products over the last 11 years. It concludes that effects were favorable in comparison to intermittent […]
Experience with use of recombinant activated factor VII.
This is a case report of successfully treating hemorrhage with rFVIIa in four patients with factor VIII and one with factor V inhibitor. One patient was initially treated with APCC […]
Successful use of recombinant factor VIIa in a patient with inhibitor secondary to severe factor XI deficiency.
After using rFVIIa effectively in the treatment of hemophilia patients with inhibitors against factors VIII and IX, this case report illustrates its efficacy in treating a 62-year-old woman with high […]
Case report on recombinant coagulation factor VIIa in the treatment of three haemophilia A patients with inhibitors in Singapore.
This is a first case report on using rFVIIa (Novoseven) to treat hemophilia patients with high response inhibitors to factor VIII in Singapore. The patients had bleeding with moderate severity, […]
Potential role for rFVIIa in transfusion medicine.
This a thorough and comprehensive review on the mechanism of action and various indications and uses of rFVIIa, highlighting the pivotal role of factor VII in hemostasis, as well as […]
Use of recombinant factor VII in hepatology.
This article starts with a general overview on mechanism of action, uses and safety of rFVIIa as well as the hemostatic disorders which are associated with liver disease. It states […]
Rationale for the use of high dose rFVIIa in a high-titre inhibitor patient with haemophilia B during major orthopaedic procedures.
This is a case report of a child with severe hemophilia B and high titer factor IX inhibitor who was not achieving good hemostasis on conventional doses of rFVIIa. Pharmacokinetic […]
Use of recombinant factor VIIa in hereditary bleeding disorders.
This is another excellent review of the mechanism of action, indications, and various doses of rFVIIa (Novoseven) in hereditary bleeding disorders. Its main use has been in patients with factor […]
Recombinant activated factor VII for adjunctive hemorrhage control in trauma.
This is a relatively new area for using rFVIIa, which is to treat uncontrolled haemorrhage in patients with severe trauma, following the earlier report of using rFVIIa successfully in treating […]