Transfusion strategies for patients in pediatric intensive care units.
The study of Lacroix et al. is well-designed. The results are valid and the conclusions are sound. It is a further study showing that a restrictive transfusion strategy is not […]
Clinical predictors of and mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome: Potential role of red cell transfusion.
The authors describe an association between increased risk of ARDS in critically ill patients and administration of an average of one additional red blood cell unit. Unfortunately, the quality of […]
Acute lung injury after blood transfusion in mechanically ventilated patients.
Retrospective study aimed to identify risk factors for acute lung injury in mechanically ventilated patients. Storage time of RBCs seemed not to be a risk factor but the storage time […]
Red cell requirements for intensive care units adhering to evidence-based transfusion guidelines.
This is a sound clinical study presenting valid data on transfusion practices in non-cardiac intensive care units. – Volker Kretschmer
Treatment of critical bleeding in the future intensive care unit. [Editorial]
Uncontrolled bleeding remains a major problem in intensive care and emergency medicine which still requires effective and innovative treatment options. This editorial highlights that there is growing evidence on the […]