Recombinant activated factor VII: its mechanism of action and role in the control of hemorrhage.
This is an overview on the mechanism of action of rFVIIa and its role in hemostasis. rFVIIa directly activates FX, increases thrombin activation on activated platelets, and leads to generation […]
A novel hemostatic agent: the potential role of recombinant activated factor VII (RFVIIa) in anesthetic practice.
This is an excellent literature review on the adjuvant use of rFVIIa in treating severe bleeding associated with surgical procedures in non-hemophiliac patients. It gives an overview of the mechanism […]
Experience with use of recombinant activated factor VII.
This is a case report of successfully treating hemorrhage with rFVIIa in four patients with factor VIII and one with factor V inhibitor. One patient was initially treated with APCC […]
Recombinant factor VIIa in the management of surgery and acute bleeding episodes in children with haemophilia and high responding inhibitors.
This study reports the effective use of rFVIIa in covering 20 surgical procedures in 12 patients with hemophilia VIII with high inhibitors, in addition to treating 6 episodes of severe […]
Use of recombinant factor VII in hepatology.
This article starts with a general overview on mechanism of action, uses and safety of rFVIIa as well as the hemostatic disorders which are associated with liver disease. It states […]
A single high dose of recombinant factor VIIa combining adjuvant therapy for controlling bleeding episodes in haemophiliacs with inhibitors.
A single dose of rFVIIa (150-180 μg/kg) was used to treat five muscle/joint bleeds and to cover 4 minor surgical procedures in 2 patients with hemophilia A and one with […]
Use of recombinant factor VIIa in hereditary bleeding disorders.
This is another excellent review of the mechanism of action, indications, and various doses of rFVIIa (Novoseven) in hereditary bleeding disorders. Its main use has been in patients with factor […]
Off-label use of recombinant factor VIIa in patients following bone marrow transplantation.
This is a report on off-label extended use of rFVIIa in managing pulmonary, vesical and GI haemorrhage in 3 patients post-BMT, who failed to respond to blood component transfusion and […]
New products for managing inhibitors to coagulation factors: a focus on recombinant factor VIIa concentrate.
A very good review of inhibitors to coagulation factors, in congenital or acquired hemophilia, that covers the incidence, pathogenesis, treatment strategies (including different alternatives to human factors), and induction of […]