Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) 130/0.4 provides larger and faster increases in tissue oxygen tension in comparison with prehemodilution values than HES 70/0.5 or HES 200/0.5 in volunteers undergoing acute normovolemic hemodilution.
This prospective randomized double-blinded crossover study demonstrated that hydroxyethyl starch specifications (in vitro molecular weight, degree and pattern of substitution) could significantly alter muscular tissue oxygen tension used as an […]
Small-volume resuscitation with HBOC-201: effects on cardiovascular parameters and brain tissue oxygen tension in an out-of-hospital model of hemorrhage in swine.
This experimental observational study reports that, in anesthetized pigs undergoing hemorrhage, small volume resuscitation (6 mL/kg) of a bovine hemoglobin based oxygen carrier can restore mean arterial pressure and cardiac […]
New approach to management of life-threatening bleeding in a Jehovah’s Witness.
This is an editorial on an article we commented previously (Gannon et al. Crit Care Med 2002;30:1893-5). The author reviews a number of interesting points on rHuEPO and oxygen therapeutics. […]
Severe anemia after gastrointestinal hemorrhage in a Jehovah’s Witness: new treatment strategies.
Somewhat similar to the letter published by Cothren et al. in the NEJM, this article reports the case of a Jehovah’s witness who bled to a nadir hemoglobin concentration of […]