Microvascular perfusion upon exchange transfusion with stored red blood cells in normovolemic anemic conditions.
Animal experiments which seem to be very problematical because the animals seem to have a severe respiratory acidosis and the investigated skin is not the critical organ regarding oxygen consumption. […]
Factors affecting transfusion of fresh frozen plasma, platelets, and red blood cells during elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
Important study on factors influencing requirements on blood components during coronary artery bypass graft surgery. More than 80 preop. multidimensional risk variables were evaluated. Effective predictors of blood need were […]
Transfusion of homologous red globules: products, indications, alternatives, general method and recommendations. [Article in French]
The French agency on the safety of biological products did a superb job of synthesizing the world literature on the appropriate use of red cells and plasma. A group of […]