Sequential treatment with bolus and continuous infusion of recombinant factor VIIa for hip arthroplasty in a patient with haemophilia A and inhibitor.
This is a case report on a hemophilia VIII patient with high titer inhibitor who underwent total hip replacement and treatment with rFVIIa. rFVIIa was given as bolus treatment for […]
Massive blood transfusion in the elective surgical setting.
Nice overview, but inconsistency between recommendations in the figures and in the text. – V. Kretschmer
Successful use of recombinant activated factor VII for trauma-associated hemorrhage in a patient without preexisting coagulopathy.
This is a detailed first case report in the United States on using recombinant activated factor VIIa in treating massive uncontrollable bleeding following stab wound trauma to the liver in […]
Survey of the use of whole blood in current blood transfusion practice.
This survey reflects the current situation in England and North Wales, where the prevailing opinion is that only the use of blood components is state of the art. There is […]