Activated recombinant factor VII after cardiopulmonary bypass reduces allogeneic transfusion in complex non-coronary cardiac surgery: randomized double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study.
Cardiac surgery is often associated with excessive blood component transfusion especially with complex and repeat procedures, and is therefore an obvious target for blood saving measures. There have been several […]
Emily Cooley Lecture 2002: Transfusion safety in the hospital.
Excellent article stressing the fact that transfusion safety today primarily has to improve safety regarding administration of blood in the clinics. Still focusing on safety of blood components may even […]
A novel hemostatic agent: the potential role of recombinant activated factor VII (RFVIIa) in anesthetic practice.
This is an excellent literature review on the adjuvant use of rFVIIa in treating severe bleeding associated with surgical procedures in non-hemophiliac patients. It gives an overview of the mechanism […]
Sequential treatment with bolus and continuous infusion of recombinant factor VIIa for hip arthroplasty in a patient with haemophilia A and inhibitor.
This is a case report on a hemophilia VIII patient with high titer inhibitor who underwent total hip replacement and treatment with rFVIIa. rFVIIa was given as bolus treatment for […]
Use of recombinant factor Vlla (NovoSeven((R))) to reduce postoperative bleeding after total hip arthroplasty in a patient with cirrhosis and thrombocytopenia.
The role of rFVIIa in improving hemostasis in patients with chronic liver disease and/or thrombocytopenia has been reported in many case reports. This article is reporting a 59 yr old […]
Treatment of bleeding in severe necrotizing pancreatitis with recombinant factor Vlla.
This is a letter to the editor describing a 50 yr old woman who presented with pancreatitis but subsequently required laparatomy for pancreatectomy, splenectomy and subtotal gastrectomy. There was profuse […]
Intraoperative use of recombinant activated coagulation factor VII. [Editorial]
This is an editorial describing two case reports and a letter in that issue of Anesthesiology describing the effective use of rFVIIa during and after surgery to control bleeding which […]
Synthetic factor Vlla to treat dilutional coagulopathy during posterior spinal fusion in two children.
This is a case report on treating 2 children who had uncontrolled bleeding related to spinal fusion surgery in spite of treatment with aprotinin and FFP. Bleeding was controlled with […]
The novel HemoCue (R) Plasma/Low Hemoglobin System accurately measures small concentrations of three different hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers in plasma.
Clinical accuracy and reliability of the currently available Hemocue(R) B-Hemoglobin Photometer has been demonstrated for large concentrations of hemoglobin from human and bovine origin. Using a new version of the […]
Acute normovolaemic haemodilution beyond a haematocrit of 25%: ratio of skeletal muscle tissue oxygen tension and cardiac index is not maintained in the healthy dog.
This experimental study investigates the effects of stepwise acute normovolemic hemodilution on muscular oxygen delivery in healthy anesthetized dogs. – Philippe Van der Linden
Approaches to successful total knee arthroplasty in haemophilia A patients with inhibitors.
Three cases of hemophilia A with inhibitors to factor VIII underwent total knee arthroplasty (TKA) using rFVIIa in the first patient, rFVIIa and high dose rFVIII in the second and […]
Effect of blood transfusion on long-term survival after cardiac operation.
The authors studied a database of 1,915 patients who underwent isolated first time myocardial revascularization between 1994 and 1997 and found that blood transfusions during or after coronary artery bypass […]
Influence of acid-citrate-dextrose anticoagulant on blood quality in retransfusion systems after total knee arthroplasty.
The authors propose to refrain from ACD anticoagulation in orthopedic postoperative autotransfusion. Their conclusion is not convincing. Products of activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis were not tested, although the main […]
Severe anemia after gastrointestinal hemorrhage in a Jehovah’s Witness: new treatment strategies.
Somewhat similar to the letter published by Cothren et al. in the NEJM, this article reports the case of a Jehovah’s witness who bled to a nadir hemoglobin concentration of […]
Increased rate of infection associated with transfusion of old blood after severe injury.
This is a very important topic. All logical aspects would seem to suggest that stored cellular blood components have an immune suppressive effect. However, it is questionable whether this study […]