Influence of acid-citrate-dextrose anticoagulant on blood quality in retransfusion systems after total knee arthroplasty.
The authors propose to refrain from ACD anticoagulation in orthopedic postoperative autotransfusion. Their conclusion is not convincing. Products of activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis were not tested, although the main […]
Salmonella sepsis caused by a platelet transfusion from a donor with a pet snake.
This article is interesting but the authors’ conclusion fails to satisfy. Both the donor and his daughter suffered from diarrhea 2 to 3 weeks before donation and were successfully treated […]
Transfusion in premature infants impairs production and/or release of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
The author concludes that suppression of erythro-, leuko- and thrombopoiesis within 48 hours after transfusion decreases the amount of precursor cells in the peripheral blood. This is a very important […]
Perioperative blood salvage as an alternative to predonating blood for primary total knee and hip arthroplasty.
This retrospective study shows again that intra- and postoperative blood salvage can minimize allogeneic transfusions. For the recent discussion about the use of unwashed drainage blood the paper is remarkable […]
Evaluation of an information document about patients and transfusion. [Article in French]
In my opinion, the sample reviewed in this study was too small to arrive at any meaningful conclusions. In addition, the authors have not suggested a way forward to narrow […]
Blood use in cerebrovascular neurosurgery.
This paper has sufficient data with regards to red cell transfusion in cerebrovascular neurosurgery that allows rational recommendations to be made with regards to a blood ordering scheme for such […]
Effects of ultra-purified polymerized bovine hemoglobin on local tissue oxygen tension in striated skin muscle – An efficacy study in the hamster.
This is another study on the potential benefits of an oxygen carrier (ultrapurified polymerized bovine hemoglobin solution) on tissue perfusion after hypervolemic infusion or exchange transfusion of 50% of blood […]
Effectiveness of combined blood conservation measures in thoracic aortic operations with deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.
Note: See also the useful invited commentary by John A. Elefteriades on pages 743-4. – F. Regan and M. Contreras.
Legal, financial, and public health consequences of HIV contamination of blood and blood products in the 1980s and 1990s.
The reviewer has only read the summary. The article emphasizes something that is well known. However, practically no valid data from developing countries is used as they do not even […]
Influence of storage on red blood cell rheological properties.
Growing evidence shows that transfusion of stored red cells may well harm patients. Studies are therefore necessary in order to help establish the reasons for this negative effect. Decrease of […]
A double-blind study to evaluate the safety of recombinant human hemoglobin in surgical patients during general anesthesia.
The authors evaluated the safety profile of escalating doses of rHb1.1 in patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia. The adverse effects observed (and the authors’ conclusions) are those that one […]
Appropriateness of red blood cell transfusions in major urban hospitals and effectiveness of an intervention.
The article describes a too liberal indication for RBC transfusions if recent knowledge on the critical threshold of hemoglobin (Hbert et al.) is applied. However, one should not forget that […]
The effects of hemoglobin glutamer-200 (Bovine) on the microcirculation in a canine hypovolemia model: A noninvasive computer-assisted intravital microscopy study.
The authors present a dog model of hemorrhage (similar to 40% blood loss) that will be useful for the evaluation of treatment(s) of severe hypovolemia. In this case, hemoglobin glutamer-200 […]
Release of interleukin-10 by reinfusion of salvaged blood after knee arthroplasty.
Another confirmation that cell washing is essential to eliminate mediators contaminating wound blood, and that changes in interleukin levels are mainly dependent on other factors. – E. Hansen.
Contribution of sickle cell disease to the occurrence of developmental disabilities: A population-based study.
The article has only little relation to transfusion besides the fact that in sickle cell anemia developmental disabilities often occur that should be prevented by aggressive interventions in order to […]