Charles Marc Samama
Samama Marc
Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Perioperative Medicine GHU AP-HP. Centre - Université Paris- Cité - Cochin Hospital.
"Reversal of direct oral anticoagulants: guidance from ISTH"
Charles Marc Samama, MD, PhD, FESAIC, is a full Professor in the Dept of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Perioperative Medicine, AP-HP Centre–Université Paris Cité, Paris. He is the Past-President of NATA and the Past Editor-in-Chief of the EJA and EJAIC.

He is the past-Chair of the Scientific Committee of the ESAIC and also the founding Chair of the SSC on Perioperative and Critical Care Thrombosis of the ISTH. He has been renewned as a co-chair of this subcommittee.

He now chairs the Department for Scientific Integrity in Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris. Pr Samama has published 267 peer-reviewed articles and reviews (H index = 50).
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