
Explore the 3-day meeting, the 12 sessions addressing current knowledge and future directions in our field.

NATA24 has been granted 10.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®)


Welcome from the NATA Chair

Celebration of NATA’s Silver Jubilee : 25 Years of Excellence

Jens Meier, Linz, Austria

08:10- 08:30

Keynote Speech

Bolognese Sauce – how important are recipes? I Luca Marozzi – Bologna, Italy

08:30 – 09:30

The future is IRONic!

ChairsMaria Beatrice RondinelliRome Italy
 Jens MeierLinzAustria

Experts from all over the world will report how PBM is implemented in their country or regions, and what are the lever that can be used and the barrier to remove for PBM implementation.

Treating ID in heart failure patients

Paul Kalra - Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Picture of Treating ID to improve recovery

Treating ID to improve recovery

Tina Tomić Mahečić - Zagreb, Croatia

Picture of Treating ID to avoid infection

Treating ID to avoid infection

Maëva Campfort - Angers, France

Picture of Intravenous iron administration at home?

Intravenous iron administration at home?

Elvira Bisbe - Barcelona, Spain

09:30- 10:30

Walking the Tightrope of Bleeding and Thrombosis: Viscoelastic Technologies in PBM

ChairsGiovanni InghilleriRome Italy
 Elvira BisbeBarcelonaSpain

In this session, experts will discuss how biological data can be interpreted and used to define the best treatment for anaemia. Experts will also discuss how bleeding can be measured during surgery.

Picture of PPH


Samuli Jokinen - Tempere, Finland


Philipp Groen - Munich, Germany

Cardiac Surgery

Gabor Erdoes - Bern, Switzerland

Liver Surgery

Stéphanie Roullet - Paris, France

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee Break 

11:00 – 12:00

Woman’s Health

ChairsTina Tomić Mahečić ZagrebCroatia
 Lidia MoraBarcelonaSpain

Experts will discuss how much fibrinogen and platelets transfusion are needed during surgery. Data on preoperative anaemia types (iron deficiency, folate or vit B12 deficiency…) will also be presented.

Picture of Peripartum anaemia

Peripartum anaemia

Florian Rumpf - Wurzburg, Germany

Picture of PPH Treatment

PPH Treatment

Vanessa Neef - Frankfurt, Germany

12:00 – 13:00

Industry Symposium and Meet-the-Expert

13:00 – 13:30


13:30 – 14:30

Poster presentation and lunch

14:30 – 15:30

The Great Debate: Liberal vs Restrictive Strategies

ChairsAgneta Wikman StockholmSweden
 Toby RichardsLondonUK

Experts will discuss about PBM and pregnancy: what is the impact of iron deficiency during pregnancy, how should anaemia be treated and how to manage post-partum haemorrhage

1. In myocardial infarction

Picture of Pro


Jeffrey Carson - New Jersey, USA

Picture of Con


Patrick Meybohm - Würzburg, Germany

2. In brain injury patients

Picture of Pro


Fabio Taccone - Brussels, Belgium

Picture of Con


Sigismond Lasocki - Angers, France

15:30 – 16:30

Industry Symposia and Workshop

16:30 – 16:40

Coffee Break

16:40 – 17:40

Cell Salvage: The past, Present and Game-Changing Future

ChairsRavishankar Rao BaikadyLondon UK
 Aurora EspinosaOsloNorway

In this session, we will assess the downside of some treatments: hypophosphatemia after iv iron, risk of thromboprophylaxis in head trauma, how to evaluate the risk of iron infusion.

Picture of What are the new technologies?

What are the new technologies?

Bertrand Rozec - Nantes, France

Picture of Shall I use it in cancer patients?

Shall I use it in cancer patients?

Diana Fisher - Heidelberg, Germany

Is it worth the cost?

Michele Roets - Brisbane, Australia

17:40 – 18:40

The New Shape of Coagulation

ChairsRavishankar Rao BaikadyLondon UK
 Aurora EspinosaOsloNorway

In this session, we will assess the downside of some treatments: hypophosphatemia after iv iron, risk of thromboprophylaxis in head trauma, how to evaluate the risk of iron infusion.

Factor XIII !

Elisabeth Adam - Cologne, Germany

New antifibrinolytics

José Antonio Paramo - Pamplona, Spain

18:40 – 19:30 

Welcome Reception


Networking Evening

8:00 – 9.00

Patient Blood Management in Acute Care and Critical Illness: A Process Map for the Future – SABM Session


Training our Future Leaders: What Anesthesiologists and Critical Care Physicians should know about Transfusion Medicine

Gagan Mathur - Irvine, USA

Patient blood management is the future of acute care and patient recovery

Matthew Warner - Rochester, USA

Picture of Moving the needle in cardiac surgical procedures

Moving the needle in cardiac surgical procedures

Linda Shore-Lesserson - New York, USA

09:00- 10:00

Industry Symposia and Meet-the-Expert

Bolognese Sauce – how important are recipes? I Luca Marozzi – Bologna, Italy

10:00 – 11:00

Coffee break – Poster presentations

11:00 – 12:00

No Future for Plasma Transfusion in Trauma!

ChairsMaria Beatrice RondinelliRome Italy
 Jens MeierLinzAustria

Experts from all over the world will report how PBM is implemented in their country or regions, and what are the lever that can be used and the barrier to remove for PBM implementation.

Picture of We need blood

We need blood

Alexander Vlaar - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Picture of We need factors!

We need factors!

Dietmar Fries - Innsbruck, Switzerland

We need PLYO

12:00- 13:00

Preoperative Anaemia, can you draw its causes & treatments?

ChairsGiovanni InghilleriRome Italy
 Elvira BisbeBarcelonaSpain

In this session, experts will discuss how biological data can be interpreted and used to define the best treatment for anaemia. Experts will also discuss how bleeding can be measured during surgery.

Picture of VitB12 and Folate are important!

VitB12 and Folate are important!

Suma Choora Poikayil - Frankfurt, Germany

Picture of Functional iron deficiency

Functional iron deficiency

Toby Richards - London, United Kingdom

Anaemia in cancer

Ravishander Rao Baikady - London, United Kingdom

13:00 – 14:00

Lunch and Best Abstracts Awards

14:00 – 15:00

Industry Symposia and Meet-the-Expert

15:00 – 16:00

The Future of O2 Delivery

ChairsTina Tomić Mahečić ZagrebCroatia
 Lidia MoraBarcelonaSpain

Experts will discuss how much fibrinogen and platelets transfusion are needed during surgery. Data on preoperative anaemia types (iron deficiency, folate or vit B12 deficiency…) will also be presented.

Picture of Why is haemoglobin important?

Why is haemoglobin important?

Aryeh Shander - Florida, USA

Why microcirculation is important and how to measure it

Can Ince - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Picture of How can I do in clinical practice?

How can I do in clinical practice?

Stefano Romagnoli - Florence, Italy

16:00 – 16:15

Coffee Break

16:15 – 17:15

The digital revolution in patient blood management: The future is now!

ChairsAgneta Wikman StockholmSweden
 Toby RichardsLondonUK

Experts will discuss about PBM and pregnancy: what is the impact of iron deficiency during pregnancy, how should anaemia be treated and how to manage post-partum haemorrhage

PBM in the digital age: optimising outcomes through innovative approaches

Diana Castro Pauperio - Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Picture of Machine Learning and PBM

Machine Learning and PBM

Jens Meier - Linz, Austria

17:15 – 18:15

Hot topics

18:15 – 19:00

WHO PBM Guideline

Axel Hofmann - Perth, Australia

Picture of Future of transfusion medicine

Future of transfusion medicine

Markus Mueller - Frankfurt, Germany

ChairsRavishankar Rao BaikadyLondon UK
 Aurora EspinosaOsloNorway

In this session, we will assess the downside of some treatments: hypophosphatemia after iv iron, risk of thromboprophylaxis in head trauma, how to evaluate the risk of iron infusion.

NATA25 - 24H PBM Marathon World Webinar



9:15 – 10:15

Best Practices

10:15 – 10:45

Coffee Break

Picture of How to educate people

How to educate people

Patrick Meybohm - Würzburg, Germany

Picture of Can the blood banker help?

Can the blood banker help?

Aurora Espinosa - Oslo, Norway

10:45 – 12:15

Round Table Discussions

  • 1: PBM – How to make it sexy
  • 2: Haemotherapy
  • 3: Haemostaseology
Picture of How to educate people

How to educate people

Patrick Meybohm - Würzburg, Germany

Picture of Can the blood banker help?

Can the blood banker help?

Aurora Espinosa - Oslo, Norway

